工作职责和能力包括,但不局限于:1,能娴熟的使用Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop和 InDesign,要求有很强的美学设计观念,和很强的专注细节的能力。2,在产品包装,品牌标识设计等方面有两年以上的经验;3,负责品牌视觉化的设计,与设计团队通力合作,能及时完成作品的设计;4,负责产品包装的设计,包括包装盒,标签,产品宣传海报,店内引导标示,货架等的设计;5,网站包括微博等网站的设计维护;6,熟练的英语沟通能力。We are looking for a talented graphic Designer! The winning candidate will be creative and visual AND logical and organized. The individual must be an Expert-level user production software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. A strong design aesthetic is requested, with solid typographic and layout expertise. Attention to detail is vital. Ideally this person should have experience in products packaging, consumer communication materials and brand identity. This position will work with Management to transform their thoughts, visions, strategies and data into creative and compelling materials.Job Description: Responsible for the brand visual. Leading and collaborating with the design team to deliver all projects on time.Projects include, but not limited to:· Brand identity visual assets for high visual impact including photography and computer-aided design (CAD)· Design of products packaging, including boxes, hangtags, stickers, and labels. · Design and layout of PDF and PowerPoint presentations for distribution.· Designing promotional materials for PR events and Retail stores, including in-store signage, shelf talker, flyers, leaflets, special event invitations.· Produce internal Marketing updates announcements, email signatures, business cards, gift certificates, postcards and stationery. · Layout and design of retail training guides and product posters.· Website graphic support, Weibo and Blog visual· Online Viral marketing visual· Requirement:· English proficiency, as a working language· Knowledge of PowerPoint.· Exceptional attention to detail. · Strong prioritization skills; ability to manage several projects at once· Ability to work independently· Interest in current design trends a plus. Dedication to learning better and faster techniques· Understanding of (and interest in) advertising is a plus· Ability to remain calm and work quickly under pressure, in an extremely fast-paced environment with a high level of turnaround· Ability to manage workflow effectively both internally and with third parties· Broad understanding of the marketing landscape as to identify new opportunities that could be adopted. 公司福利待遇:(1)健全的薪资体系 基本薪酬、岗位工资、午餐补贴、交通补贴、通信补贴(2)人性化的福利制度 养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、住房公积金、带薪年休假、年度公费体检与健康咨询、活动经费、各类慰问(3)人才机制 唯才是用,内部选拔、内部培养的晋升机制 (4)丰富的文化生活 企业内刊、内部论坛、团队出游、生日聚会以下是我公司的一些介绍,仅供参考。润美生贸易有限公司 http://www.hmgchina.cn韩美集团www.bjhanmi.com.cn妈咪爱商城www.mamiaimall.com妈咪爱育儿网http://www.mamiai.com.cnHanmi Marketing Group关于韩美集团韩国韩美集团成立于1973年,经过30多年的飞速发展,韩美已成为韩国处方药销量第一的制药企业,并成功实施了区域扩张战略和业务多元化。目前集团在全国各地除港澳台和西藏自治区外,建立了119个销售联络处,销售网络覆盖到国内三十余个省、自治区、直辖市的几百个市县。北京韩美成立于1994年,在中国儿童药品最具代表性的药品如“妈咪爱”、“易坦静”、“力百汀”。 韩美(中国)集团在中国设立6个子公司,业务涵盖医药、IT、人力资源、网络销售、快消,旅游公司等多元化产业。关于韩美营销集团(北京润美生国际贸易有限公司 hanmi marketing group)“韩美营销集团”(简称HMG)是韩国著名制药企业韩美集团旗下子公司之一。始终坚持着“安全、健康”的品牌精神,专业研发和生产各类健康用品。在全球市场销售韩国原装进口的自有品牌产品,同时代理来自美国、韩国等多家国际婴童知名品牌。由于依托制药企业,其自有品牌产品品质非常有保障。成为千万妈妈的共同选择,并以成为“中国最大的婴幼儿产品群”为目标而不断努力。公司经营三大自有品牌,分别为母婴喂养系列Phyll,洗护系列UZA /口腔护理系列Denti等母婴品牌,秉承着“品质,安全,技术,创新”的原则服务于每一位消费者,且得到了广大消费者的信赖和肯定。公司将以成为“中国最大的婴幼儿产品群”为目标不断努力。
学历要求: 大专
性别要求: 不限
年龄要求: 18周岁以上
工作年限: 不限