工作说明:1.协助建筑设计师工作;2.把握方案设计理念和整体设计风格,独立完成效果图设计;3.根据建筑及景观的设计风格和客户的要求制作效果图;4.完成领导临时交办的工作任务。任职资格:1.室内设计、建筑学或相关专业专科或以上学历;2.精通电脑效果图制作,熟悉应用Auto CAD、3DMAX、Photoshop等相关的计算机软件,熟练掌握各种建模、渲染及表现技法,能独立而高效地完成高素质的电脑效果图;3.对施工图制作有一定了解,有良好的沟通能力;4.能很好的配合设计师完成电脑效果图的绘制工作,有良好的职业素质。有兴趣的应聘者,请将您的中英文简历以及作品投递到.请按照职位说明投递简历,避免多次投递。具体联系人:牛小姐010-凡在公司工作优秀者,都有可能派遣到美国、英国、德国、新加坡、马来西亚等地学习及工作;期待您的加入,美国MIG建筑设计公司Job Description:a. To assist in the architect work,b. To grasp the designing concept and the whole designing style and able to make effect drawings independently;c. To make effect drawings according to building and landscape designing style and client request d. To complete work which the supervisors ask temporarily.Qualifications:a. Bachelor degree or above, majored in interior designing or architecture; b. Proficient in 3D perspectives and design software(AutoCAD, 3DMAX, Photoshop). Strong ability on modeling, rendering and performance techniques, and conducting the high-level 3D perspective picture independently with high efficiency;c. Basic experience in making construction drawing with good communication ability;d. Able to conduct the 3D perspectives with architect, and good vocational quality.Interested applicant should submit resumes in both English and Chinese as well as an introduction to the accomplished projects to. Please indicate the position that you are applying for. Please contact Miss. li with 010-.
学历要求: 大专
性别要求: 不限
年龄要求: 18周岁以上
工作年限: 不限
最好的建筑设计是能用建筑影响使用者,能够促进人类之间的情感以及能与周围... 了解更多>>