Tasks and Duties:
All activities related to the optimization of designs and administration of engineering control supporting Nemak Asia PDC and Nemak Nanjing Operations.
1.Receipt, review, optimization and negotiation of customer delivered product designs.
2.Development of casting design to meet final product design using the assigned manufacturing process requirements of filling, feeding and machining.
3.Development of tooling, fixture and gage designs to support the manufacture, machining and inspection of the finish designed product.
4.Leading others and self in the search for innovative solutions to maximize product quality and/or productivity or meet cost-reduction targets.
5.Management and prioritizing of workload to ensure timely compliance with high impact/high urgency activities.
6.In collaboration with Product/Process Engineers, generation of gating system / riser concepts for new products and improvement proposals for gating system / riser of existing products.
7.Preparation, execution and analysis of filling/solidification simulations.
8.Planning and execution of actions to ensure accuracy of filling/solidification simulations (compliance of simulation with reality. Qualification:
1.Familiar with design tools,cad tools.
2.It is better for more than five years experience.
3.Highly creative with good problem solving skills.
学历要求: 本科
性别要求: 不限
年龄要求: 18周岁以上
工作年限: 不限
尼玛克公司于1979年在墨西哥成立,专注于汽车发动机铝制汽缸盖, 汽缸体, 悬挂系统零部件的生产。自公司成立以来,业务不断壮大,业绩稳步增长,先后在亚洲、欧洲、美洲的13个国家建立了28家工厂,1992年至2006年公司的年增长率高达26%,年销售收入达到30亿美金。全球超过15000名优秀员工服务于尼玛克公司,为世界上最具实力的汽车制造商提供零部件,客户主要包括通用、福特、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒、丰田、大众、标致-雪铁龙、菲亚特、宝马、现代、起亚,奇瑞等。
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