The Coastal presentations on display were surprisingly compact in comparison to years past, and especially so with this being the season for the product. I believe Tropical Fever
Trends have taken away much of the market share of this trend. For the most part, the vendors who displayed the Coastal trend didn’t appear invested in newer, fresher, more
popular trends like Botanical, Abstract, or Bold Floral Brights.
The palette remained unchanged with shades or blue and red along with white and khaki representing the majority of brands showing this trend. Items included entertaining, mugs, pouches, totes, wall art, with minimal home decor and stationery shown. Looking back,
I cannot recall seeing a single journal, planner, calendar, or gift wrap displayed in this trend, which is somewhat surprising given the popularity of the mermaid, a coastal icon, in years past.
While many of the icons in the Coastal trend continue to remain the same ie. anchor, whale, starfish, seashells, lobster, crab, etc, a material on the rise within the category is
definitely the use of sail cloth. Sail cloth premiered in tote bags about a decade ago, though I am now seeing more vendors using the material to create bean bags, pillows, wall art, and pouches. I have yet to see the sail cloth material used in stationery items, though it would be a natural extension and a fresh approach in the category if the material
could be incorporated into new items. Sentiments associated with the trend continue to attract attention and out-perform items only using icons, especially in non-wall related items.